IIG News

Straight from the Roots

“If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet”-Rachel Wolchin


Having launched the IIG’s 2022 leg of the Roots and Wings mentorship programme last month, most of the mentors and mentees are still right at the beginning of their journeys.  The process of developing a relationship of trust and getting to know more about each other is a fundamental step that allows the pairs to truly grow and benefit, not only from one another but from the entire experience.

To kick us of this month , we recently sat down with a mentee who decided to take a step in the right direction towards making her goals a reality.

Here is what mentee Mmakgotso Digopo from Bryte Insurance Company, mentored by Antonia Oakes from Old Mutual Insure had to share with us:

Who is Mmakgotso?

Mmakgotso is a smart 28-year-old young woman who loves her son more than anything, is open to change, does not take anyone for granted and always gives people the benefit of the doubt. “Oh, she is also uncomfortable in crowds”, she adds.

Why Roots and Wings?

I decided to be part in the IIG’s Roots and Wings mentorship programme because I needed guidance from an experienced and esteemed individual within the industry to guide and help me reach my full potential and get out of my comfort zone, but most importantly to me the Roots and Wings programme is an opportunity to find myself, gain knowledge and learn.

We wish Mmakgotso and all the best on her journey this year!


