IIG News

5..4…3…2..1 IIG Academic Programme Launch

On Tuesday the 13th of June the IIG, in partnership with GIFS and ABSA held interviews to select the ten lucky candidates that would take part in the 2023 IIG Academic programme. The interview session was in effect the launch of the 2023 Academic programme.

As a quick reminder the IIG Academic Programme gives youngsters who show potential but do not have the means to go to tertiary or find employment, an opportunity to learn about insurance and, the working world. Free of charge. Thereafter we actively place them in your companies where they can begin their insurance careers in earnest.

Once again GIFS is the education partner and we were happy to welcome ABSA on board as the employer partner.

The day was kicked off by a talk from Colin Molepe, the head of ABSA Insurance who reminded the potential candidates that they could no longer consider themselves disadvantaged because they now can make a make a difference in their own lives and make an impact in society.

The opening was followed by an address from the president of the IIG who impressed upon the candidates the value of the opportunity that is in front of them but also that by tapping into the power of their personal stories they would make the biggest impression on the judges.

The remainder of the day was taken up by the quick-fire interviews where the potential candidates had 5 minutes to make a lasting impression on a panel of judges consisting of insurance practitioners, Talent and Development specialist and Dr Kershen Pillay who is the CEO of GIFS

After the individual interview the candidates were divided into groups that were charged with preparing a presentation on the types of insurance products as well their value to customers. But not before the panel of charges handed a special golden ticket to one of the interviewees who made such a strong impression that they were selected to be part of the programme without having to go through the group presentation.

Narrowing the list down to 10 candidates proved to be a tough task for the judges who all impressed by how well the candidates articulated their ambitions in the industry and their plans to achieve them. What also stood out was how well they all knew and understood the insurance industry, especially given that many of them had known nothing about general insurance only a few months prior.

In the end the judges could not narrow the selection down to only ten youngsters and after intense discussions with the programme sponsors, namely ABSA Insurance and GIFS it was agreed to increase the intake to 15 candidates. They joy in the successful candidates’ faces was indescribable! It is impossible to imagine a better launch of the programme.

The selected students will be put through a yearlong programme where they will learn everything from workplace etiquette to principles of insurance to personal leadership. They will also be assigned to mentors from the industry who will guide them in making work and career choices.

The IIG thanks GIFS and ABSA for sponsoring the programme and affording this cohort of future industry leaders a head start. To the selected students, go #BreakTheMould, the industry is behind you.

Article written by: Thabo Twalo
