IIG News

Class of 2019 Final presentation

10 October 2019 – This day marked the final milestone for the Class of 2019. It was the last time that the Class Of’ group would meet at the IISA offices, to present their final presentation to a panel of judges which consisted of Neil Beaumont, Simphiwe Mtyali, Nina Joubert, Jenna Coetzee and Linda Coetzee.

The Class Of’ group had a choice to present individually or in pairs. The day provided each student with the opportunity to explain how the modules we were taught this year have impacted both their personal life and working environments.A sense of tension and nervousness could be sensed as the room filled with students arriving in drips and drabs.

At the end of the day the tension and nervousness turned into a great sense of relief once all 36 students had finished their presentations. The judges were thoroughly impressed by the effort and preparation put in by all students.

Once each Class Of’ member had presented, we waited in anticipation for the winners to be announced. A big congratulations to Ashveer Mohanlal for winning the stand-out presenter of the day and to the runners up Innocent Phale, Aaron Mrabalala and Mukondeleli Masiza.

With the presentation day completed the realisation set in that the IIG class of 2019 was coming to an end.

Even though all students enjoyed their long-awaited graduation, it was an extremely sad day for all of us.

We’d like to take a moment to acknowledge Lunga Macu (One of the students who was part of the Class of 2019) who sadly passed away. He was sorely missed by each one of us!

A huge congratulations to the top 3 performers of the Class of 2019, Thulisile Makwala, Lebogang Mokoena and Aaron Mrabalala.

Written by: Tamlyn Francis and Thulisile Makwala
