IIG News

Class Of 2019 students spend a day at the Ikholwa Children’s Home

“To be rich, is not what you have in your bank account, but what you have in your heart”– Unknown

The IIG Class of 2019 has dedicated the entire year to raising funds for Ikholwa, a children’s home whose primary objective is to give hope to children who find themselves affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic in one way or another. Our main drive this year has been to do as much as we can to touch the lives of these young children. We never imagined that a day with them would not only touch our lives but also completely revolutionize the eyes through which we have been viewing life. They are a true expression of exactly what it means to be rich in heart and why that is a form of wealth that is worthy of great pursuit.

On Saturday, 14 September 2019, the Class of 2019 hosted a braai day at one of Ikholwa’s homes in Weltevreden Park. The day was filled with good food, music, dancing, games, and laughter…Oh, let’s not forget the ice-cream and cupcakes!

The children of Ikholwa have great taste in music and the moves to go with it. When they weren’t giving us a lesson on the dancefloor, they were showing us that they are forces to be reckoned with when it comes to all sorts of gaming. Their competitive spirits and determination to win made the games all the more interesting. A number of the Class of 2019 team agree that the fun and games gave us a clear understanding of what Dr. Seuss meant when he said that, “adults are just outdated children”. We had so much fun that there was a great deal of sadness from both sides when it was time for us to go.  You may wonder why we are telling you all of this but it’s quite simple, these children are determined to win at life! The love and warmth that these children receive at Ikholwa represent some of the elements that will shape their lives and help them along as they rewrite their life stories. It was remarkable to witness how the children, to whom life has each dealt a great deal of hardship, are so full of love and life. They represent a diverse and beautiful family unit that we can only believe owes its richness and depth to the hurdles that each child has had to climb over in his/her own journey. It is evident that the caregivers at Ikholwa (who also had loads of fun at the braai) strive to ensure that each child is able to build memories of a childhood that is filled with love and joy.

Our interactions with these children has only fueled our determination to support Ikholwa in being the beacon of hope that it is in the lives of these precious souls. From little baby Sarah* to the oldest child in that home, we believe that their dreams are valid and worth fighting for and we are more resolute than ever to make it happen!

The Class of 2019 will continue to raise funds for the children’s home until the end of this year. Should you be interested in becoming a donor please follow the tab on the IIG website headed “Ikholwa”, complete a pledge form and a Class of future leader will be in touch.


Article Written By Mukondeleli Masiza – SHA Claims Specialist (Liability), Class of 2019

*Not her real name

