A room filled with raw talent and enthusiastic young individuals, ready to be molded into a better “you” , our Class of 2023 programme kicked off on the 16th of February 2023 at the offices of Emerald Risk Transfer (Pty) Ltd in Fourways. The morning was filled with exciting informative conversations, aiming to provide them with the tools to prepare themselves for the year ahead. The group was divided into two groups, Class 1 and Class 2, with the exciting tradition of the “survivor” like ceremony of selecting either a grey or blue buff.
Here they experienced the first bond as a group, in which they will be operating for the rest of the year, very unfamiliar territory, but also exciting. As a group, they will be exposed to a wide range of opportunities within the insurance industry and gain knowledge to grow and develop throughout the year.
On the 15th and 16th of March 2023,The Class of 2023 groups had their first classroom sessions at the offices of the IIG. It was a fun-filled day, in the traditional classroom education sessions, where knowledge was gained but also exchanged. The groups were also tasked to decide on the name for their specific group, which they will carry for the remainder of the year. These names were chosen to set them apart from each other but also symbolize what they stand as a group.
“Amabutho” , the Zulu word for regiments, ´during wars, these “Amabutho” was the first line of defense to protect the land , woman and children. Group 1 chose this name as they strive to operate as a unit and defend their group at all costs, a powerful force to reckon with.
The IIGeez, who said you can’t #BreakTheMould? Creating the name with no official meaning this group had the creative juices flowing to make it a catchy, witty name, where you can’t but wonder if this may be a music band in the future. who knows?
Although this program is group orientated, each individual embarks on a journey of self-development and transformation, with a very significant #hashtag, where throughout their journey this year, they would live, strive and develop towards that #hashtag. My #hashtag, my brand, my goal.
The next classroom sessions will take place in May, and we will keep you posted ……
We would also like to thank our sponsors Munich Re, Discovery Limited, Fulcrum Group SA , Sasria SOC Limited , Emerald Risk Transfer (Pty) Ltd and The Insurance Apprentice (TIA) , for the lovely gifts these the Class of delegates received and for making this program possible.
Article written by: Wilmine Prinsloo