IIG News

Experiencing the Class of 2023 first hand

I was so ecstatic to make it into the class of 2023 programme and it has since then exceeded my expectations. The content provided in class is very relevant to real life situations and I am taking some of the methods to apply to some of my existing situations. I also enjoy the class set up as it very interactive, this allows me to learn from my peers as well in terms of how they approach or tackle certain situations that I may have been faced with before or might even be faced with in the future. There’s a lot of similarities that appear as well and I can relate to some of the stories they share. Another thing I particularly appreciate and enjoy is that the programme slowly forces me out of my comfort-zone and allows me to express my thoughts and ideas more without the fear of getting it wrong. In the last lesson I have learnt so much about myself from a behavioral science point of view and I also got to understand a bit more about those around me and why certain things are the way they are. I think this will help me in future to relate better with others, be empathetic where it’s needed and overall maintain healthy relationships in all the roles I play.


Article written by: Siphesihle Ramotshela, Old Mutual Insure. #MakeASplash

Class of The IIGeez
