IIG News

GMP 2021 & applications for ILDP 2022 update

After the GMP delegates attended the in-person sessions at the Gordan’s Institute of Business Studies at the end of October it was back to their virtual offices armoured with the financial and management knowledge gained in their third block of classes.

For many delegates who had been working remotely for the last 17 months the opportunity to be interactive with peers was one that required some adjustment but by end of the block, everyone had become accustomed to the comradery that remote working lacks.

Even though some delegates were unable to attend the full 3 days in person, a hybrid model was quickly instituted to allow all participants to be included.

Knowledge gained after the session included the enhanced ability to analyse economic and financial information as well as using communication techniques effectively.  

Best of luck to our GMP delegates as they soon prepare to enter the final block of the program in November.


There has been a phenomenal response to ILDP 2022 applications this year and we are excited to see what happens next! Please look out for the next Informer for further updates.

For more information please visit #YourIIG‘s website https://iig.co.za/ildp-2022/. Become the leader YOU want to be…


Article by Caryn Josephs-Solomons


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