IIG News

IIG Class of 2022

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”- Nelson Rolihlale Mandela


22 Enthusiastic learners between the ages of 24 and 35 have embarked on the Class of 2022 journey in February this year.  The IIG “Class Of” programme is a one year programme aimed at developing and retaining young talent within the insurance industry through exposure, experience and leadership development. The aim is also to build leaders for the benefit of the industry and community at large. The journey also approaches educational and social challenges in our underprivileged communities as they raise funds at various events throughout the year.

Each year the group is split into 2 teams which then run concurrently to raise funds for their chosen school or charity or choice. Having already raised R11 000 at the Presidents Golf Day in this month, both teams are hyped to improve communities that they plan to impact. 

The previous Class of 2021 aimed to “Be the Difference” which was the IIG slogan for last year, they raised funds in the form of raffles and auctions at different IIG events, golf days and dinners where they raised nearly R250 000 which have gone into assisting schools with much needed text books, printers, library and computer labs.  

Please keep an eye on the IIG social media as the IIG and Class of 2022 plans to do extraordinary things in this year to uplift communities with your help.

#ShowUp #Classof

Article written by: Caryn Solomons

