IIG News

IIG International briefing session – Putting the SA in USA

This year the Ultimate Education and Networking Experience of a lifetime, powered by Camargue with media coverage by Oakhurst Insurance, is heading to San Francisco and Washington D.C. Due to popular demand, tickets were sold out long before the actual planning was finalised and it is one of the biggest groups that the IIG will take on tour.

The IIG International Tour briefing was held on 1 July at Emerald’s office where guests and delegates were welcomed by #YourIIG 2019 President on arrival. The purpose of the evening was to provide the delegates with the details of what they can expect between 24 September and 4 October 2019 and it was the first time that most of them had met one another. The scene was set with its American theme with some sherry and Amarula welcome drinks to keep the winter cold away.

To kick the evening off, delegates’ general knowledge of the USA was tested in a 30-second quiz session and later a video of past tours were shared. In some instances, it was like a reunion taking place as this was not the first tour that some delegates had gone on and they were catching up with good friends made on previous tours, reminiscing and waiting in anticipation to hear what new exciting visits and events the USA would bring.

Camargue’s Founder and Chairman, Mitch Marescia, was also on hand to remind all present what a privilege it was to travel outside one’s own country, to meet new people and how travel broadens the mind. Camargue also spoilt every single delegate with a lavish goodie bag of Sorbet vouchers, travel size essential goodies and a very handy travel wallet. Nothing was left to chance and the tour organisers from Pink Mosquito gave the delegates a high-level Dos and Don’ts on the destinations and some travel tips. 

It was agreed that this tour would be making history, there will not be much time to sleep and we will be putting the “SA” in “USA”.  A very excited, energised and informed bunch of delegates mingled and got to know each other during the evening, at the end of which it was unanimous – this tour would be without a doubt: one of #PridePurpose&Passion

During the month of July, we contacted the delegates to learn more about them and ask them interesting questions about the IIG International Tour.
read our Meet the #IIGlobal2019 Delegates feature on our website (here) or IIG International Facebook page (here).

Article written by Natasha Maroun – Head: IIG Marketing Portfolio

