IIG News

Importance of Performance Appraisals!

It is that time of the year for most employers and employees. Some have financial close off and ask important questions:

  • Have we made top line?
  • Have we delivered on bottom line?

Some are winding down the year, collaborating and concluding performance appraisals with staff, stakeholders, and departments.

Others are at mid-year reflecting and renegotiating to meet or exceed targets set for the rest of the financial year.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen some are excited, and some are dreading the conversation and it’s all relative based on input, output, communication, and all other things to be considered during the year.

Additional questions are asked too:

  • Have you delivered on objectives or not?
  • Have you met expectations and targets?
  • Have you exceeded expectations and targets?
  • Is there room for improvement?
  • Do you need some coaching to function in the role and deliver?

It is that time of the year to identify growth opportunities in individuals and single out the top performer/s for succession planning and start an upskilling program where required to do so.

Which brings me to an interesting read from Every Manager’s Desk Reference page 543 as we unpack: 

The important role of Communication in Performance Appraisals for leaders:

The book illustrates why the performance appraisal is your (the leader’s) safety net in the world of communication.

It allows you (the leader) to recover when you drop the ball by failing to…

  • Recognise your employees’ accomplishments.
  • Correct recurring errors.
  • Communicate expectations.
  • Indicate your interest in their success.
  • Provide guidance on their personal development.
  • Indicate your interest in their success.
  • Provide guidance on their personal development.

The performance appraisal is a time to rectify any failings that may have occurred during the period. However, do not misunderstand this statement as it does not suggest that one should wait until the performance appraisal to communicate with employees. Performance appraisals are no substitute for the daily communications your employees need. One must communicate new expectations, provide feedback of performance, recognise success, and help the employee/s deal with their problems each day.

Once every six months is not enough.

There will be some aspect of performance that should have been communicated but wasn’t. The performance appraisal allows you the opportunity to correct any oversight.”

That being said, “good communication is vital to good performance. Communication is an aspect of performance that should be evaluated in the appraisal. Every personal development plan should include communication skill improvement.

Performance appraisals allow you, the leader, an opportunity to correct any errors you’ve made in communicating expectations, providing feedback, or recognising success.

This is why communication is important when conducting performance appraisals.”

The book further unpacks different approaches to performance appraisals, “preparing for the meeting, what can happen during the meeting, how to gain your employees trust, feedback systems and recognition programs.”

Yes, you can’t win them all, but you can pull it all together.

In conclusion ladies and gentlemen, I•am•Crisp and I have recognised and learned that consistent communication to employees is a key aspect to the success of the employee, which will ultimately contribute to the success of the department, which will ultimately contribute to the success of the region, contribute to the success of the company, and ultimately have a favourable response to top line and bottom line. The best part of it all is when the objectives/ targets are met or even exceeded it will contribute to your success as a leader.

Yes, performance appraisals do matter and so do you as a leader to provide effective communication with your employees!!

Article written by Jonathan Crisp


Butler-Knight, M., Kicthel, P. Chisholm, J. Wilmeth, R., Wagner,C.  Wilkins D. Wurst T. Lasek R, Wilson, L. Calvert, Dominques, S. Hunt, M. Shurick. G, 2002 ‘Every Managers Desk Reference’, by  Penguin Group (USA) Inc., Page 543.

