IIG News

Class of 2021 – Pledge for Education

An integral part of the Class of experience is to engage and contribute towards a charity initiative that can impact and transform lives. The Class of programme is divided into two groups that compete through this drive to make the most significant societal impact.

The Class of theme for 2021 was education, and it was decided that this year the students would support schools to promote education and knowledge. To add, the participants would also be required to do more than just raise funds for their chosen initiative, they would also be required to dedicate their time to the chosen initiative.

The first group is Ad Astra who chose to assist Fons Luminus secondary school in Soweto. Following consultation with the faculty, they identified the following needs for the school. Upgrading the library including the new bookshelves, books and computers. Consumables such as sanitary wear, sanitisers and masks plus school uniforms for the learners.

Asked what they were hoping to achieve Ad Astra said “Our name is Ad Astra which means “through hardships to the stars”. We would like to use our name and motto to encourage the youth to rise above their challenges… we aim to look at not only bridging the gaps in resources but also in skills and personal development.”

The Saiyans chose Maphutha secondary school in Thembisa where they identified, in conjunction with the school principal, the need for equipment such as printers, whiteboards, gas stoves and big cooking pots. Beyond that, the school needed textbooks and stationery.

The Saiyans are also putting together a career day for the students in September to motivate the students to focus on their studies and plant the seeds of a career in insurance.

 Their motivation? “Saiyan’s which means “warriors of change” is our name and (for) our team… the theme for this year’s class is #BeTheDifference and so we would like to make a small difference in the lives of these learners by contributing to their future. 


Both these fundraising initiatives received a boost from the Gauteng Women in Insurance (GWII) and the IIG who agreed to donate the surplus of approximately R50,000 from the Women’s Day event held on the 5th of August 2021 to both Ad Astra & The Saiyans. These funds will be used to purchase school uniforms for the learners at Fons Luminis Secondary school and an enterprise printer for Maphutha Secondary school. We thank the GWII and the IIG for their impressive donations. 


To achieve their lofty targets, however, both groups need your help. You too can #BeTheDifference. 

To find out how you can contribute please visit the IIG pledge for education page, alternatively contact info@iig.co.za. 


The Class of 2021 programme is sponsored by: 




