Good things come to an end what an incredible 8 months it’s been I’ve met the most incredible people been to incredible places #Steyn City .
The IIG Class of programme is everything and more if it were up to me I’d make it mandatory within the insurance sector It’s been a fruitful journey I’ve learnt a whole lot more about myself and also about people I have the courage to show up even on days were its unshowable for the lack of a better word .
I’ve found my ultimate purpose and can confidently say I know where I’m headed to in terms of my being holistically I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything I’m ready to give Faith to the world .
I’m grateful for all the role players the impact is immeasurable I cannot put a value to it I’d like to give special thanks to Linda and Jenner these phenomenal ladies keep raising the bar they showed up effortlessly .
From me Faith Sendege “The Show up Resolute” I done did it in the words of Our Queen B “I was here!!!!!!!”
Article written by: Faith Sendege