IIG News

IIG Insight Outlook

It has been another year where face to face interaction has been negatively impacted by Covid-19 restrictions. However, #YourIIG was well prepared for another year of online interaction with the intention of hosting Insight’s sessions every week from March to November. In line with the tagline for 2021 to #BeTheDifference, we had to set an ambitious target! Somehow, through the commitment of the IIG council and its sponsors and partners, we exceeded our expectations!


We must admit that we did miss “shooting the breeze” over a coffee and muffin before the session but our online sessions have worked wonders in extending our reach. The online platform has enabled us to not only extend our speaker selection by attracting speakers from all over the world. Aided by social media the attendees in our sessions are no longer confined to the IIG database. This has served another purpose, to potentially expand our membership base.


Our thought leadership sessions aim to encourage dialogue and information sharing on topical matters. This year our topics ranged from Corruption and its Impact on our Economy, Net Zero Insurance, Prospects and Perils of 4IR, Micro Insurance and All Things Cyber to name a few. All our topics have aided our attendees in broadening their knowledge of the industry as well as the wider economy.


A total of 21 sessions were hosted in 2021, totalling 2 197.50 CPD hours. We issued 1854 CPD certificates with 3 039 attendees from a wide range of industries. This is more than double the number of CPD certificates issued in 2020, triple the number of attendees and nearly 4 times the number of CPD hours. All of this would not be possible if it weren’t for our sponsors, to whom we are truly grateful:

Bryte Old Mutual Insure
Camargue in partnership with Brit Santam
Deloitte South Africa Santam in partnership with SHA
Discovery Insure Sasria
Graduate Institute of Financial Services (GIFS) Standard Bank Group
Munich Re Swiss Re
Norton Rose Fulbright TransUnion


Our sponsor’s valuable contribution has made our Insights sessions one of the highlights for the IIG in 2021!! It is because of you that the IIG can host these sessions at no cost to the attendee and for this, we cannot thank you enough.  

To our Insights partners, AC develop as well as CN&Co, thank you for helping the IIG deliver quality webinars and post-session service.

We look forward to hosting the industry again in 2022, where we aim to #ShowUp with more insightful topics and subject matter experts who are eager to share their knowledge.


The article was written by Simphiwe Mtyali, IIG Vice President 

