IIG News

ILDP delegates take a trip to Alexandra

The ILDP (Insurance Leadership Development Programme), proudly sponsored by Sasria SOC, is well into its 3rd study block.  The ILDP Programme is aimed at promoting education excellence, supporting professional standards within our industry and developing leadership skills amongst our delegates whom are all well positioned to achieving these aims.

The ILDP delegates theme for study block 3 was “Building Financial Acumen” and the following topics were discussed:

  • The economics of Accounting & Financial Management – Matthew Kassel
    The delegates found the content to be extremely helpful and valuable with great practical applications. The style of presentation made it easy to understand a topic that would make most people nervous.
  • Ethics, Labour, Law & Essential legislation – Debbie Thompson
    Feedback given by the delegates stated that they found it extremely insightful, also noting that Debbie was knowledgeable and passionate about the subject matter which assisted their learning.

A deliverable on the programme is for students to successfully complete their ALP (Action Learning Project), here they are required to respond to an identified need within the South African insurance sector. The topic this year is “Micro-Insurance”.

Whilst there have been some challenges, our ILDP delegates are well positioned to deliver on their ALP projects and are working extremely hard to achieve the deadlines.

  • Micro Insurance Immersion into Alexandra Township – Thami Ndimande
    The objective of the immersion was to assist the students with the research element of their ALP projects. The excursion provided the students with an opportunity for meaningful and direct engagement with the lower LSM and SMME markets, giving real-life exposure to the people and businesses whom this projects affects.

The highlight of ILDP Block 3 was an immersion into Alex to experience first-hand how business is carried out in both the formal and informal sector of business. The ILDP candidates were put into teams and had a list of business owners who they could speak to about how they got into business, the challenges of doing business in their environment, what their achievements have been and to enquire if insurance is a solution and value-add in what they do. Individuals in their personal capacity were also interviewed by ILDP candidates about the role insurance plays in their lives and community.

The engagement with our business owners was honest, welcoming, valuable and extremely beneficial for the ILDP delegates that has added a wealth of insightfulness into the delivery of the ALP projects.

We cannot wait to see the result of the pooling of this collective insight into the ALP projects and we wish the ILDP delegates the very best in their ALP project outputs.
