IIG News

Meet the #IIGlobal2019 Delegates!



Meet the #IIGlobal2019 delegates as they embark on the Ultimate Education and Networking Experience of a lifetime to San Francisco & Washington DC.


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We caught up with Nkateko Mayimele, IIG Councillor: Finance and Head: Internal Audit at Sasria SOC Ltd. Here’s what she had to say.. 






What is your favourite travel childhood memory?

Going on school trips, the singing on the buses. 


What is your favourite holiday destination?

I wouldn’t say I’m well travelled yet, but so far I would say Mauritius was by far the best holiday, it was so relaxing.


What is the best way to sleep on a plane?

I haven’t done a long distance flights in a while,  tips are more than welcome.


 What is your top travel tip?

Do research on the place that you are visiting, and have a plan for each day on what you will doing. 


What travel gadgets are you taking with you on this tour?

Not really a gadget person, my phone will do


What are you looking forward to the most on this trip?

Getting a second chance to re-do Washington both San Francisco. I previously went to Washington for a few days but I didn’t get to see much of it.   I  crashed out when I got there.  I spent most of the first day there sleeping, was too tired to do anything. Looking forward to exploring Silicon Valley, and of course doing a bit of shopping.


Tell us something fun about yourself that most people don’t know?

I think I’m an old-soul,  I’m absolutely terrible with Social media, I don’t even have an Instagram account.


What is the one thing that you cannot travel without?

My Phone. 


Have you ever gotten lost while travelling?

Don’t recall ever getting lost, but I once forgot where I had parked a rental car while in the US,  took me more than an hour to find the car.


What other destinations are on your bucket list?

I would love to tour Europe and other African countries.


How will u be putting the SA in the USA?

I’ll be rocking my Xibelana (Tsonga Traditional skirt), just kidding, the skirt alone will probably take up the entire baggage limit.  I won’t have space for other clothes. 

Stay tuned as we feature the next #IIGlobal2019 delegate..
